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作者:法律资料网 时间:2024-07-12 22:23:45  浏览:8549   来源:法律资料网
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第一条 为加强殡葬管理,规范殡仪服务和殡葬用品的制造、销售,根据国务院《殡葬管理条例》和《兰州市殡葬管理办法》及有关法律、法规之规定,结合本市实际,制定本办法。
第二条 凡在本市行政区域内从事殡仪服务,制造、销售殡葬用品的公民、法人和其他组织,均应遵守本办法。
第三条 本办法所称殡仪服务包括遗体的运送、冷藏、防腐、整容、火化及悼念、告别仪式、骨灰安放、保存等;殡葬用品指用于丧葬的花圈、寿衣、骨灰盒、纸棺材、石碑等。
第四条 市民政部门主管全市的殡仪服务和殡葬用品的管理工作。
第五条 从事殡仪服务和制造、销售殡葬用品,应当符合下列条件:
第六条 从事殡仪服务和制造、销售殡葬用品,应当向民政部门提出书面申请,民政部门应当自收到申请书之日起三十日内作出决定。对符合本办法规定条件的予以批准,并发给《殡仪服务证》或《殡葬用品制造销售证});对不符合本办法规定条件的不予批准,并说明理由。
第七条 经民政部门批准取得《殡仪服务证》、《殡葬用品制造销售证》的,按照国家有关规定向工商行政管理部门申领营业执照。
第八条 从事殡仪服务和制造、销售殡葬用品的,终止经营活动时,应将《殡仪服务证》或《殡葬用品制造销售证》交回原发证机关,并在工商行政管理部门办理注销手续。
第九条 本办法施行前已经从事殡仪服务和制造、销售殡葬用品的公民、法人或其他组织,应在本办法发布之日起九十日内按照本办法补办手续。
第十条 从事殡仪服务和制造、销售殡葬用品,应当使用市民政部门监制的殡仪服务、殡葬用品制造销售标识。
第十一条 运送和存放遗体,须进行必要的技术处理,所用车辆、器具应当消毒。
第十二条 禁止在城区广场、道路、学校、医院等公共场所搭设灵棚、举行悼念仪式。
第十三条 发布涉及殡仪服务和殡葬用品制造、销售内容的广告,应当事先报经市民政部门审查同意。
第十四条 从事殡仪服务和制造、销售殡葬用品的公民、法人和其他组织有下列行为之一的,由民政部门责令限期改正,没收违法所得、非法物品;拒不改正的,处以1000元以上5000元以下罚款;情节严重的;收回其《殡仪服务证》或《殡葬用品制造销售证》;
第十五条 在主要街道、公路干线两侧、经营门点户外悬挂、堆放、展示殡葬用品及不使用殡仪服务、殡葬用品制造销售标识的,由民政部门责令限期改正,并可处以500元以下罚款。
第十六条 在城区广场、道路、学校、医院等公共场所搭设灵棚、举行悼念仪式的,由民政部门责令改正,并可对当事人处以200元以下罚款;对提供设施、场地、服务的,处1000元以上5000元以下的罚款。
第十七条 为从事殡仪服务和制造、销售殡葬用品,向民政部门提出书面申请,民政部门拒绝受理或在规定期限内不予答复的,申请人可依法申请行政复议或提起行政诉讼。
第十八条 民政部门应当依法行政、公正执法。因违法行政,给当事人造成直接经济损失的,应当按照国家有关规定予以赔偿。
第十九条 当事人对民政部门依照本办法作出的行政处罚决定不服的,可依法申请行政复议或提起行政诉讼。
第二十条 本办法实施中的具体应用问题,由市民政部门负责解释c
第二十一条 本办法自发布之日起施行。

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(Promulgated on June 15, 1989, No 269)

Whole Doc.
With a view to implementing correctly the policy of tax reimbursement
for export products, and resolving problems existing in the present work,
these Provisions are formulated as a supplement to specific provisions
regarding the tax reimbursement for export:
Article 1
The tax shall not be reimbursed for those products which the State
forbids to export in cases where they are exported.
Article 2
For products reexported after processing with imported materials or
parts, the following provisions shall be followed in calculating the tax
(1) For products reexported after processing which are subject to the
imposition of Value Added Tax (VAT), the amount of tax deducted already on
the imported materials or parts during the production period shall be
deducted from the tax base when the tax reimbursement is calculated.
(2) For products reexported after processing which are subject to the
imposition of product tax and reimbursed at the comprehensive rate of tax
reimbursement, the amount of tax reduced or exempted already on the
imported materials or parts upon the importation shall be deducted from
the tax base. When the tax reimbursement is calculated; for products which
are subject to the imposition of product tax but reimbursed at the rate of
product tax, the amount of tax reduced or exempted already on the imported
materials or parts shall not be deducted from the tax base when the tax
reimbursement is calculated.
(3) The following formula shall be used for deducting the tax reduced
or exempted already on the imported materials or parts:
Tax deducted =
(CIF of imported materials or parts X official exchange rate +
duty actually paid + product tax or VAT actually paid +
expenses at the port) x
the applicable rate of product tax or the deduction rate of VAT
for imported materials or parts -
product tax or VAT actually paid upon importation.
(4) The amount of tax reduced or exempted on imported materials or
parts used for processing the reexport products shall, in principle, be
deducted at a single time upon handling the tax reimbursement during the
month of purchasing materials or parts. Where there are difficulties for
an individual company to be deducted at a single deduction because of
large quantity of imported materials or parts involved and long production
runs, the tax may be deducted by stages based on the actual situations
upon the approval of a tax authority in charge of tax reimbursement for
(5) Where imported materials or parts are used for packing export
products or processed into packings to export by a foreign trade packing
company, the amount of product tax or VAT reduced or exempted on such
imported materials or parts upon importation shall be deducted from the
tax base when the tax reimbursement is calculated.
Article 3
For export products which use products free of tax or with low tax as
raw materials, the rate of tax reimbursement shall be checked and ratified
by each locality according to the actual tax paid on the products, thereby
calculating the tax reimbursement. In case a foreign trade company fails
to provide the relevant documents not its tax paid actually is unclear,
the rate of not more than 5 percent shall be followed in calculating the
tax reimbursement.
Article 4
The tax reimbursement shall not be given in cases where a company
contracting projects overseas purchases home-made equipment used for
construction abroad.
Article 5
Where products are exported by a company combining production with
foreign trade and a foreign-trade company on a mutual-trust basis, a
Certificate of Agency Export Products shall be provided when applying for
tax reimbursement. Where a principal entrusts more than 2 companies to
handle jointly the export, every company entrusted shall make out its
Certificate of Agency Export Products.
The Certificate of Agency Export Products can be used as the
credential for handling the tax reimbursement only after it is examined
and sealed by the tax bureau in the city or county where the company
entrusted is located.
Article 6
For products which are exported through an agent, the tax reimbursed
shall be returned to the company which bears the responsibility of profits
and losses for export.
For agency export business done together by a principal and an agent
under the over-all-rationing system of export profits and losses, the tax
reimbursed may be returned to the agent if is clearly provided for, and
the principal shall not apply for the tax reimbursement.
Article 7
For products exported by joint operations of more than 2 companies,
the company which is responsible for applying to Customs shall go to the
tax bureau in the place where it (the Company) is located to handle the
tax reimbursement; with the invoice of purchase, invoice of export,
Customs declaration and other certificates.
Article 8
Where an export company purchases products for export from a
productive company, it shall provide the invoice issued by the productive
company for applying for the tax reimbursement; where export products are
allotted from the departments of foreign trade and companies thereunder,
the original purchase price and expenses shall be listed out clearly in
the allocation list at each phase of allocation; a tax bureau may decide
the deduction rate of expense according to the above-mentioned evidences
provided by a foreign-trade company (including a company combining
production with foreign trade). Where an export company purchases products
from a commercial or non productive company, the tax reimbursed shall be
calculated at the deduction rate of expense-- as a base less than 15
percent shall be used for no calculating the tax reimbursement, whichever
fails to provide the invoice issued by a productive company. Where the
purchase price of export products provided by the export company is
obviously higher than the factory price of the productive company, the tax
authority in charge of import and export tax reimbursement shall have the
power to examine and decide the amount of tax reimbursement based on the
actual situations.
Where a foreign ship supplying a company handles the tax
reimbursement, the foregoing provisions shall be followed in calculating
the price and expense of the products to be reimbursed.
Article 9
An export company shall provide materials and documents relating to
the tax paid (on products and etc.) when a tax authority checks and
ratifies the rate of product tax reimbursement or the deduction rate of
expense. If a tax authority handling this matter needs to verify the
documents provided, it may make an investigation by the way of letters or
other forms with the tax authority of the locality where the productive
company is located, the tax authority concerned shall provide its
Article 10
The time of reimbursing the tax for export products shall be decided
both in accordance with the time of selling such export products and
accounting period. If there is any change in the provisions concerning
the tax reimbursement for export products, the implementing time shall
follow these Provisions.
Article 11
These Provisions shall come into force on July 1, 1989. In case where
previous provisions contradict; these Provisions shall prevail.











第一条 城市维护资金随国内增值税、消费税、营业税征收,主要用于城市建设管理及维护方面支出。

第二条 城市维护资金对区实行“核定收支、基数包干、超收分成”。

第三条 城市维护资金收入来源:城市维护建设税、城镇公用事业附加收入、城镇基础设施配套费、城建规划等部门依法收取的行政事业性收费收入。

第四条 城市维护资金支出范围主要包括:








第五条 市与区城市维护资金收入划分:根据新财政体制管理规定,城建税随主税征收入库。即:全市各级增值税、消费税和营业税随征的城建税均随主税缴入相应金库。

第六条 区级城建税收入基数:以2010年为基期年,在新体制下重新界定的市辖三区和铜陵经济技术开发区城建税收入数核定为区级城建税收入基数。

第七条 区级城市维护资金支出基数:根据2010年市级实际拨付铜官山区、狮子山区和郊区的城市维护资金支出,结合三区承担的城市维护事权情况,核定三区的城市维护资金支出基数。今后如遇事权调整,相应调整支出基数。

第八条 区级定额上解(补助)基数:以各区核定的收入基数超过核定的三区支出基数部分,作为定额上解(补助)基数。铜陵经济技术开发区新体制下测算的基期年城建税收入超过原体制下收入的部分,作为铜陵经济技术开发区定额上解基数。

第九条 区级城建税超收收入:以后年度三区城建税收入超过核定的收入基数部分,市与区按一定比例分成,其中:市与铜官山区按5:5比例分成、市与狮子山区按6:4比例分成、市与郊区按8:2比例分成。铜陵经济技术开发区城建税超收部分市级不参与分成,全部用于开发区基础设施建设。

第十条 市财政、国税、地税、住建部门要加强收入征管,确保用于城市维护资金支出的各项收入依法足额征缴、及时入库。

第十一条 市财政、住建部门要加强支出管理,确保资金按规定范围使用,切实发挥城市维护资金的使用效率。

第十二条 以后年度区级城市维护资金支出的增长,由区级从城建税超收收入中解决,市级不再承担。

第十三条 加大资金监管力度,在城市维护资金收支和管理方面有违反国家有关法律、法规和财务规章制度的,一经发现,严格按规定予以处罚,并追究相应责任。

第十四条 本办法由市财政局负责解释。

第十五条 本办法自发布之日起执行。今后如有新规定,按新规定执行。
